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Sleepfull Baby Sleep & Toddler Sleep Blog
Welcome to the Sleepfull Baby & Toddler Sleep Blog! Find expert advice and practical tips to improve your child's sleep from Dr. Aubrie aka the ‘Baby Sleep Dr.” We cover safe sleep, sleep training, sleep regressions, developmental milestones, and healthy sleep routines for newborns, babies, and toddlers. Our goal is to help your family achieve restful nights by tackling one sleep issue at a time!
5 Simple Ways to Practice Self-Care as a Parent
Feeling overwhelmed as a new mom? You're not alone! Here are 5 simple ways to practice self-care and prioritize your well-being for a happier, healthier you and baby.
Baby Getting Too Much Sleep? When You Should Wake a Sleeping Baby
Is your baby sleeping too much during the day. Learn how to avoid oversleeping & establish a healthy sleep schedule for better sleep for both you and your baby!
Swaddling 101: The Pros, Cons, and When to Stop
Is your swaddled baby waking constantly? Swaddling can be a lifesaver for newborn sleep, but there's a time to transition out. Learn the pros, cons, and safe swaddling practices to help your baby sleep soundly.
3 reasons your baby is fighting naps
Naps are an essential part of your little one’s day… and yours! It’s a time to tackle that to-do list you’ve been trying to get to or to take some much-needed “me time” for yourself to rest, relax, or whatever fills your cup. But, in order to make these mini-breaks happen, your baby has to actually nap! So, when your child begins fighting naps or suddenly becomes a catnapper, frustration can set in!
Sleep training is about teaching the parents, not the babies
I often hear that you “can’t teach a baby to sleep because it’s a biological function.” And actually, that’s true! But you can teach a baby to sleep well. Sleep training isn’t actually about teaching a baby to sleep. Sleep training teaches parents how to change their behavior around their child’s sleep. Because the truth is, the behaviors of a parent are what encourage independent sleep and dictate the habits formed by the child.
The Effects of Over-tiredness in Babies: Causes and Prevention
Is your baby cranky & refusing to sleep? It might be overtiredness! Learn the causes, signs, and prevention tips for a well-rested & happy baby (and you!).
Why Your Newborn Should Have a Bedtime (Even Though They Wake to Feed)
Newborn sleep got you confused? confused? Even newborns need a bedtime routine! Learn how a consistent bedtime helps your baby (and you!) sleep better.
Not putting your baby down awake? Here’s why you should
I recommend practicing putting your baby down completely awake. Mastering falling asleep independently takes lots of practice for babies (and parents!), but if a baby is never exposed to falling asleep on their own, they may not be able to fall back to sleep between sleep cycles - leading to more night wakings, short naps, and early morning wakings. Babies that are able to fall asleep independently also sleep more soundly, which is important so that many of their essential developmental needs (cognitive and physical) are able to be met as they grow!⠀
How to Prevent an Overtired Baby: Wake Windows vs. Tired Cues
Have you ever found yourself struggling to get your baby to sleep when they are overtired? I know how frustrating this can be. The truth is, when babies are overtired, it can be difficult to get them to fall asleep, and then stay asleep! Helping your baby to become an amazing sleeper overall takes lots of effort and practice; but making a few tweaks to prevent over-tiredness can be quick and extremely beneficial!
Why Early and Consistent Bedtimes are Essential for Babies
Does your baby fight bedtime? Early & consistent sleep schedules are key to longer stretches of sleep & a happier baby (and you!). Learn why & how to create a winning bedtime routine!
Common Developmental Milestones That Can Disrupt Your Baby’s Sleep
Developmental milestones are one of the most common causes of sudden sleep disturbances! If your little one is usually a sound sleeper, and then without warning starts waking up several times in the night, taking short naps, or having early wakings, it’s likely that they are going through a developmental milestone! Though keep in mind, if your child has never slept for long stretches in the night and you’re looking for a solution to help your baby sleep through the night and lengthen naps, it’s likely not a short-term hiccup like a developmental milestone.
Hunger or habit? How to know why your baby is waking in the night
Night wakings can be stressful and exhausting; especially when they are frequent and recurring nightly long after the first few months of your baby’s life, where they are to be expected. We talk a lot about getting babies to “sleep through the night,” but did you know that your baby isn’t actually expected to sleep straight through the night? Even as adults we have night wakings!
What is Baby Sleep Training and How to Decide if it’s Right for You
Discover the ins and outs of baby sleep training: from understanding its significance to deciding if it's right for you. Learn when to start, debunk common myths, and explore gentle methods. Whether you're seeking independence for your little one or alleviating sleep woes, find guidance here.
Top 4 Newborn Sleep Tips from a Baby Sleep Expert
It’s no secret that the days and nights with a newborn baby can feel hectic! If you’re feeling overwhelmed at trying to find a rhythm between all the feedings, diaper changes, and lack of sleep, you are not alone!
To help you find some balance in these first few weeks of your little one’s life, I’ve put together my top 4 tips for navigating life and sleep with a newborn baby. These tips are not meant to be stressful, but to help provide some semblance of structure if that’s what you’re looking for! You can’t put a newborn on a schedule, but you CAN feel prepared for newborn sleep needs.
Following an Eat-Play-Sleep Schedule When Your Baby Takes Short Naps
Struggling with short baby naps & a disrupted eat-play-sleep routine? Learn how to adjust your schedule and extend naps for a more restful day!
Wake Windows: What are They and Why do They Matter?
You’ve more than likely heard of the term “wake windows,” but what are they and why do they often feel like trying to solve an impossible math question?
Why is My Baby Waking Up as Soon as I Lay Them Down?
Tell me if this sounds familiar: Your baby who was once able to easily fall asleep in your arms while being fed, rocked, or held and seamlessly put down into their crib to sleep is suddenly waking up as soon as you lay them down in their crib or bassinet and you’re at a loss for how to help your baby learn to fall asleep on their own?
Is your baby waking back up about an hour after bedtime? Here’s why.
Is your baby treating bedtime like a nap? They go down easily, only to wake up an hour later. Sounds familiar?
If you’ve found yourself in this position, know you are not alone! This is often referred to as a “false start.” If you’re someone who has been struggling with baby sleep, this can be a frustrating issue to figure out - though, it’s actually quite common.
Common Causes of Split Nights and 3 Easy Ways to Fix Them
Does your baby have a case of the "split nights"? Learn why it happens & 3 EASY ways to get them sleeping through the night (finally!).
What is an Eat-Play-Sleep Schedule for Babies and Why is it Useful?
An Eat-Play-Sleep schedule is one of the most common phrases floating around when it comes to recommended daytime routines for babies. To some, it can seem overwhelming to implement a “schedule” when adjusting to life with a newborn or young baby; but actually, Eat-Play-Sleep should not be thought of as a “schedule,” but an “order of operations” for the day. This flow does not mean you should be scheduling the exact timing of feeds or naps, but rather structuring your day in that order of activities, which can happen according to your baby’s needs and cues!