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Sleepfull Baby Sleep & Toddler Sleep Blog

Welcome to the Sleepfull Baby & Toddler Sleep Blog! Find expert advice and practical tips to improve your child's sleep from Dr. Aubrie aka the ‘Baby Sleep Dr.” We cover safe sleep, sleep training, sleep regressions, developmental milestones, and healthy sleep routines for newborns, babies, and toddlers. Our goal is to help your family achieve restful nights by tackling one sleep issue at a time!

Once You Sleep Train, Will You Ever Need to Re-Sleep Train?

Parents of sleep-trained babies (or parents considering sleep training their baby) often ask me if they will need to re-train their baby at a later date if they’ve already been sleep trained. There are a lot of components that can go into this scenario, but my answer is generally, no.

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Baby Care, Sleep Training Aubrie DeBear Baby Care, Sleep Training Aubrie DeBear

How Trying Everything is Getting in the Way of Your Baby Sleep Success

When it comes to baby sleep, and getting your baby to sleep well, I often hear parents say that they have “tried everything”. The issue with “trying everything” is that it doesn’t leave the time and space for complete consistency to be successful. It’s actually the factor that’s inhibiting so many parents from seeing progress and success.

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Sleep Training Aubrie DeBear Sleep Training Aubrie DeBear

Sleep training is about teaching the parents, not the babies

I often hear that you “can’t teach a baby to sleep because it’s a biological function.” And actually, that’s true! But you can teach a baby to sleep well. Sleep training isn’t actually about teaching a baby to sleep. Sleep training teaches parents how to change their behavior around their child’s sleep. Because the truth is, the behaviors of a parent are what encourage independent sleep and dictate the habits formed by the child.

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Sleep Training, Baby Sleep Aubrie DeBear Sleep Training, Baby Sleep Aubrie DeBear

How to Prevent an Overtired Baby: Wake Windows vs. Tired Cues

Have you ever found yourself struggling to get your baby to sleep when they are overtired? I know how frustrating this can be. The truth is, when babies are overtired, it can be difficult to get them to fall asleep, and then stay asleep! Helping your baby to become an amazing sleeper overall takes lots of effort and practice; but making a few tweaks to prevent over-tiredness can be quick and extremely beneficial!

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Sleep Training Aubrie DeBear Sleep Training Aubrie DeBear

Why is My Baby Waking Up as Soon as I Lay Them Down?

Tell me if this sounds familiar: Your baby who was once able to easily fall asleep in your arms while being fed, rocked, or held and seamlessly put down into their crib to sleep is suddenly waking up as soon as you lay them down in their crib or bassinet and you’re at a loss for how to help your baby learn to fall asleep on their own?

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Sleep Training Aubrie DeBear Sleep Training Aubrie DeBear

Is your baby waking back up about an hour after bedtime? Here’s why.

Is your baby treating bedtime like a nap? They go down easily, only to wake up an hour later. Sounds familiar?

If you’ve found yourself in this position, know you are not alone! This is often referred to as a “false start.” If you’re someone who has been struggling with baby sleep, this can be a frustrating issue to figure out - though, it’s actually quite common.

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Sleep Training Aubrie DeBear Sleep Training Aubrie DeBear

5 Scientifically Proven Benefits of a Bedtime Routine

There is so much research out there relating to your baby's sleep that it can become overwhelming, to say the least. But, there is one thing that is always consistently beneficial; a bedtime routine.

It has been scientifically proven that a bedtime routine will not only improve your baby’s sleep habits but also their overall wellbeing. Why not invest in that?

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