Toddler Sleep Training
The parent-loved digital course that gets your toddler sleeping 10-12 hours through the night in 14 days.
conquer tricky toddler sleep with confidence and connectedness
As your little one transitions from baby to toddler, their capabilities and independence evolve along with their sleep needs and behaviors. This can be a challenging time, even for parents of babies who were previously "perfect sleepers"! Our Toddler Sleep Course will walk you through respectfully navigating this new stage step-by-step, from bedtime battles to moving to a big bed — coming out the other side with a rockstar little sleeper!
In 14 Days You Could Have:
What’s Included:
8 jam-packed, keyword-searchable modules
Our signature 14-day, 3-phase Sleepfull Method of sleep training
Lifetime access to 40 comprehensive lessons you can refer back to at any time
Downloadable worksheets, checklists, and product recommendations
Bonus! Troubleshooting guidance for more than 20 common toddler sleep struggles
Bonus! Access to purchase 1-on-1 email support with Dr. Aubrie
You’ll Learn How To:
Manage bedtime battles and big emotions in a way that feels good.
Support your toddler through learning to sleep independently.
Handle bedtime, night wakings, and early mornings with confidence.
Navigate nap strikes and transition to quiet hour.
Transition away from bed-sharing and pacifiers.
Handle the transition from crib to bed when it’s time.
Tackle milestones, regressions, and bumps along the way.
Positively shift your own big feelings around making changes to sleep.
Sleepfull Success Stories

Free Download
Sleep Tips for 18 Months to 3 Years
our signature 14-day method
The Sleepfull Method is an empowering, parent-led approach to baby and toddler sleep. Our two-week program educates parents on how to proactively take charge of their situation to support their child through learning independent sleep with compassion and effectiveness. The result is a child that sleeps through the night, uninterrupted, after just 14 days.
Phase 1. Prep
Gradually prepare yourself, your space, and your little one to begin sleep training.
Phase 2. Presence
Support your toddler through the process of learning to fall asleep without help.
Phase 3. Leave + Respond
Transition to popping in and out as your child needs less and less support.
what’s included in the courses?
tackle toddler transitions with ease
“Dr. Aubrie is wonderful! She knew exactly how to support my family during a big transition in our lives — welcoming a new baby and moving our toddler into a new room and new crib. We were challenged with our toddler waking early and confused about how to transition him into a new room. We questioned if we should put him in a big bed or keep him in the crib. Dr. Aubrie directed us with confident advice that gave our family hope and peace of mind. Her advice worked and now our house is sleeping in past 6 AM Thank you so much!”
Lyndsay H., Jacksonville, FL
Frequently Asked Questions
No, this is not a video-based course.
This course is visual-based with text and imagery to guide you through your journey. It is broken up into easy-to-navigate and keyword-searchable modules within the course platform. It includes various downloads that you can easily save to your computer or mobile device for easy reference.
Toddlers ages 18 months to 3 years.
The Toddler Sleep Course includes information, guidance, and communication scripts that are developmentally appropriate and comprehensible for children in the toddler phase. This includes children ranging in age between 18 months and 3 years, though, the information could be applicable to older, school-aged children with some customizations to the communication style throughout the sleep learning process.
There is no “best” time for your toddler.
Though, I always say that the best time to start sleep training is when YOU are ready. When the parent feels they are ready to be 100% consistent with the program, then that is the best time to start. Some factors that can affect the ease of the sleep training are whether your child has a strong dependency (i.e. always fed or rocked to sleep or bedsharing) and whether you’ve attempted to make changes in the past and then “gave in” (which is not bad, it just means there may be more struggle to get past that first night of a “new” process). Please know that success is still absolutely possible in either of those cases — it just takes confidence and commitment!
14 Days or less.
The Sleepfull Method includes a 3-phase, 14-day process that will have your child sleeping through the night in 14 days when followed exactly and with 100% consistency. Parents who follow the plan exactly to a T typically see vast improvements in sleep within just 2-3 nights of the formal sleep training portion, though children learn at different speeds and therefore, it can also take up to the full 14 days. There are also options to speed up the process and customize the program to your needs, should it be relevant to you.
It's never too late, you’ve got this!
This course includes our proprietary sleep training process that works for children anywhere between 18 months to 3 years old. It doesn't matter where you are in your sleep journey or the age in that range that you are beginning.
This depends, but probably.
Crying is a healthy form of communication for all of us, including our toddlers. Toddlers who are feeling frustrated, exhausted, or even sleep deprived may cry — and that’s okay. A portion of this course dives into helping to manage their big feelings and forcing us to think about our big feelings around crying and why we may feel a certain way when our child is crying or upset. The main takeaway I want parents to know is that emotions and crying are normal and they are ok. The great news is that our ability to remain calm and be their confident leader during times of big feelings and changes can help them co-regulate to feel calmer and cry less, too. The Sleepfull Method is not "cry it out." However, crying can often occur during this process when the sleep situation is changing drastically. The Sleepfull Method uses a gradual process where sleep dependencies (like feeding to sleep and bedsharing) are transitioned to a parent’s presence, and then into a “leave + return” process to support our little ones through learning to fall asleep completely independently. Remember, crying is not inherently bad, crying itself will not harm your child, and sleep training will not harm your attachment with your child. The Sleepfull Method course offers support, responsiveness, and guidance for dealing with tears along the way - so you’ll never feel alone in what to do (and neither will your little one!).
I have a 30-day Flexible Refund Policy
If you give the program your best shot and feel it wasn’t successful for you, you can reach back out within 30 days of purchase to get your money back.
No. Not if you don’t want to!
There is no pressure to sleep train your toddler if you don’t want to or you’re not comfortable doing so. We never encourage a parent to sleep train who doesn’t want to, because the results won’t be successful and nobody wants to feel frustrated only to end with an undesirable result! Advice for if you’re struggling with sleep but aren’t sure whether sleep training is right for you is to research as much as you can with the questions you have to make the best choice for your family. And remember, you can always change your mind and do it at any point in the future if that’s what you decide.
Helping Parents of Toddlers Pour from a Full Cup
What would you do with your evening if your toddler easily went into their bed awake, stayed in bed all night, and slept the entire night?
How would you feel if you were able to wake up completely refreshed after sleeping the whole night, uninterrupted?
Could you imagine if another trusted caregiver was easily able to put your little one down while you got a break to do…whatever you wanted?
How would you spend the extra time in your day if your little one consistently stayed down for 1-2 hours for each nap?
Helping your child learn to sleep independently helps them achieve essential restorative rest, and it allows you more time to do what makes you feel like you. Join our parent revolution where we don’t feel guilty for making hard changes to sleep — we reframe our thoughts to understand we’re doing something that benefits the health and wellness of our children, ourselves, and our whole family! YOU and your little one deserve to rest well and feel good.