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Sleep Safety Aubrie DeBear Sleep Safety Aubrie DeBear

Is it safe for your baby to sleep in their own room?

September is Baby Safety Month, and one of the questions I get asked often on my Instagram page from parents who are not sleeping well with their baby in their room, but who want to ensure their child is safe is “When and how can I move my baby into their room…SAFELY?” So, let’s talk about moving your baby into their own room: when to do it, how to do it, and my top 3 tips for adding a layer of security, while easing YOUR anxiety as a parent.

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Sleep Safety Aubrie DeBear Sleep Safety Aubrie DeBear

Ultimate Safe Infant Sleep Guide: Crib, Nursery, Traveling, Clothing

In this blog, I’ll lay out both "protective factors" (actions you can take to decrease risk) that I recommend implementing with your child, as well as "risk factors" (actions that increase risk) that I recommend avoiding. Keep in mind, there are also actions you may take that are neither a protective factor, nor a risk factor - these would be considered a baseline factor.

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Toddler Sleep Aubrie DeBear Toddler Sleep Aubrie DeBear

What Are Night Terrors And What Causes Them in Toddlers?

Have you ever found yourself trying to comfort your child from a nightmare when nothing you do or say seems to have a positive effect on them? It could be that they are actually experiencing a night terror! While it’s common to get the two confused, there are differences between nightmares and night terrors that can help you distinguish one from the other, and how you can best help your child.

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Baby Sleep Aubrie DeBear Baby Sleep Aubrie DeBear

What Are the Best Baby Products for Sleep? Here’s What I Recommend…

As a baby sleep consultant, I’m often asked by parents which products I recommend introducing to babies to help get them to sleep. And the truth is, there are actually a lot more products that I would say are NOT necessary (no matter how they’re marketed) for helping your baby to sleep better or longer, or fall asleep faster. Check out my blog post on my recommended bedtime routine and how it can help your little one fall asleep more quickly and stay asleep longer, over time!

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Toddler Sleep Aubrie DeBear Toddler Sleep Aubrie DeBear

When should a toddler move to a big kid bed?

Transitioning your toddler into a “big-kid bed” can be an exciting time for your little one! It can be fun to create a new space for them, as well as give them a new sense of independence. However, transitioning to a toddler bed too early can cause more harm than good. Waiting until you know your child is for sure ready for this big change will lead to the best success possible! Here are the most common signs your toddler may be ready to make the switch to a toddler bed!

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Sleep Safety Aubrie DeBear Sleep Safety Aubrie DeBear

Updated AAP Infant Sleep Safety Guidelines

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recently released its updated 2022 recommendations on safe infant sleep. These safe sleep guidelines are mainly directed around preventing Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), which causes about 3,500 infant deaths per year, as well as other sleep-related infant injuries and death.

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