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Sleepfull Baby Sleep & Toddler Sleep Blog
Welcome to the Sleepfull Baby & Toddler Sleep Blog! Find expert advice and practical tips to improve your child's sleep from Dr. Aubrie aka the ‘Baby Sleep Dr.” We cover safe sleep, sleep training, sleep regressions, developmental milestones, and healthy sleep routines for newborns, babies, and toddlers. Our goal is to help your family achieve restful nights by tackling one sleep issue at a time!
Is it safe for your baby to sleep in their own room?
September is Baby Safety Month, and one of the questions I get asked often on my Instagram page from parents who are not sleeping well with their baby in their room, but who want to ensure their child is safe is “When and how can I move my baby into their room…SAFELY?” So, let’s talk about moving your baby into their own room: when to do it, how to do it, and my top 3 tips for adding a layer of security, while easing YOUR anxiety as a parent.
Ultimate Safe Infant Sleep Guide: Crib, Nursery, Traveling, Clothing
In this blog, I’ll lay out both "protective factors" (actions you can take to decrease risk) that I recommend implementing with your child, as well as "risk factors" (actions that increase risk) that I recommend avoiding. Keep in mind, there are also actions you may take that are neither a protective factor, nor a risk factor - these would be considered a baseline factor.
When Can a Baby Sleep in Their Own Room? And How to Move Them...
Wondering when to move your baby to their own room? Learn the AAP's guidelines, safety tips, and how to make a smooth transition when the time is right for your family. Explore expert advice on room-sharing vs. solo sleeping to ensure your baby's safe and restful nights.
Do Babies Sleep Better in the Dark or With a Night Light?
Sleep is essential for babies and young children as it is crucial for their development and growth. As a parent, you want to ensure that your child is getting the best quality sleep possible. One aspect that can greatly affect sleep quality is how dark or light the room is.
Is your baby too hot or too cold while sleeping? Here’s how to know.
When it comes to your little one’s sleep, I know how overwhelming it all can be. Even making sure your baby’s room is at an ideal temperature can feel like a lot! And anything to help take the guesswork out of baby sleep can be so helpful to make us parents feel more confident and at ease!
Is it Safe for Babies To Sleep With a White Noise Machine?
Wondering if white noise machines are safe for babies? Discover why they can enhance your baby's sleep by blocking disruptive noises and creating a soothing environment, while also learning essential tips to use them safely and protect your baby's delicate hearing.
When is it Safe For a Baby to Sleep On Their Tummy?
Curious about when it's safe for your baby to sleep on their tummy? Discover AAP guidelines, strategies for handling nighttime rolling, and tips to ensure your baby sleeps safely and comfortably through the night, even as they start rolling over on their own.
Updated AAP Infant Sleep Safety Guidelines
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recently released its updated 2022 recommendations on safe infant sleep. These safe sleep guidelines are mainly directed around preventing Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), which causes about 3,500 infant deaths per year, as well as other sleep-related infant injuries and death.
9 Baby Sleep Products You Really Don’t Need
Discover the baby sleep products you can skip! From pricey gadgets to unsafe gear, learn what to avoid for your baby's restful nights.
Swaddling 101: The Pros, Cons, and When to Stop
Is your swaddled baby waking constantly? Swaddling can be a lifesaver for newborn sleep, but there's a time to transition out. Learn the pros, cons, and safe swaddling practices to help your baby sleep soundly.