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Sleepfull Baby Sleep & Toddler Sleep Blog
Welcome to the Sleepfull Baby & Toddler Sleep Blog! Find expert advice and practical tips to improve your child's sleep from Dr. Aubrie aka the ‘Baby Sleep Dr.” We cover safe sleep, sleep training, sleep regressions, developmental milestones, and healthy sleep routines for newborns, babies, and toddlers. Our goal is to help your family achieve restful nights by tackling one sleep issue at a time!
27 Holiday Activities to Do with Babies & Toddlers (Easy, Affordable, & Fun!)
Looking for holiday fun with your baby or toddler? These 25+ activities are perfect for creating magical, stress-free memories this season—no matter where you are!
180+ Of The Biggest 2024 Amazon Prime Day Deals For Babies, Toddlers, Parents, And The Home
Discover the best Amazon Prime Day deals for babies, toddlers, parents, and the home from a baby sleep and parenting expert! Browse deals on top-rated products, including baby gear, toys, home essentials, and seasonal items with huge discounts. Save big from October 7-8, 2024, with these must-have deals!
30+ Free Baby and Toddler Development Activities for 0-3 Years | Simple at-Home Ideas
Discover free, simple activities for babies and toddlers (ages 0-3) that boost development. These fun, at-home ideas promote physical, cognitive, and emotional growth.
Newborn, Baby, and Toddler Room Transitions: When and How to Do It
Knowing how and when to move your baby from room sharing in the newborn phase to their own nursery, moving from a baby room to a toddler room, and from a toddler room to a “big kid” room can be confusing for parents. But with a little preparation and the right products, you can successfully make these transitions with your little one!
All About Dream Feeds and Why I Don’t Recommend Them
Discover why dream feeds might not be the best solution for your baby's sleep. Learn what dream feeds are, why I don't recommend them, and alternative strategies for better sleep. Get expert tips to ensure your baby’s healthy sleep patterns without relying on dream feeds.
What Are the Best Baby Products for Sleep? Here’s What I Recommend…
As a baby sleep consultant, I’m often asked by parents which products I recommend introducing to babies to help get them to sleep. And the truth is, there are actually a lot more products that I would say are NOT necessary (no matter how they’re marketed) for helping your baby to sleep better or longer, or fall asleep faster. Check out my blog post on my recommended bedtime routine and how it can help your little one fall asleep more quickly and stay asleep longer, over time!
3 Easy Massage Tips for Better Baby Sleep
Enhance your baby's sleep with these 3 simple massage tips! Discover how massage promotes relaxation, reduces night wakings, and strengthens bonding in your bedtime routine.
Will Starting Solids Help My Baby Sleep Through the Night?
Curious if starting solids will help your baby sleep through the night? Discover the truth behind this common belief and learn how introducing solids impacts sleep. Explore tips for better sleep and find out more about managing night wakings in our comprehensive guide.
4 Simple Ways to Fix Your Baby’s Day and Night Confusion
Is your newborn sleeping during the day and staying awake at night? Learn 4 simple ways to fix your baby's day and night confusion and help develop their circadian rhythm. Get tips to ensure your baby sleeps more at night and enjoys better rest. Check out our Ultimate Baby Sleep Bundle for more help!
Baby’s Wake Windows or Tired Cues: Which is More Important?
If you’re familiar at all with baby sleep training or baby sleep terms, you’ve likely heard of “wake windows” and “tired cues”. You’ve been told to pay attention to both of them, but which one trumps the other?
Do you put your baby down as soon as you notice those very first tired cues? Or do you wait until the end of their wake window? The truth is, they should be used together, AND in conjunction with an eat-play-sleep flow.
Not putting your baby down awake? Here’s why you should
I recommend practicing putting your baby down completely awake. Mastering falling asleep independently takes lots of practice for babies (and parents!), but if a baby is never exposed to falling asleep on their own, they may not be able to fall back to sleep between sleep cycles - leading to more night wakings, short naps, and early morning wakings. Babies that are able to fall asleep independently also sleep more soundly, which is important so that many of their essential developmental needs (cognitive and physical) are able to be met as they grow!⠀
How to Prevent an Overtired Baby: Wake Windows vs. Tired Cues
Have you ever found yourself struggling to get your baby to sleep when they are overtired? I know how frustrating this can be. The truth is, when babies are overtired, it can be difficult to get them to fall asleep, and then stay asleep! Helping your baby to become an amazing sleeper overall takes lots of effort and practice; but making a few tweaks to prevent over-tiredness can be quick and extremely beneficial!
Hunger or habit? How to know why your baby is waking in the night
Night wakings can be stressful and exhausting; especially when they are frequent and recurring nightly long after the first few months of your baby’s life, where they are to be expected. We talk a lot about getting babies to “sleep through the night,” but did you know that your baby isn’t actually expected to sleep straight through the night? Even as adults we have night wakings!
Top 4 Newborn Sleep Tips from a Baby Sleep Expert
It’s no secret that the days and nights with a newborn baby can feel hectic! If you’re feeling overwhelmed at trying to find a rhythm between all the feedings, diaper changes, and lack of sleep, you are not alone!
To help you find some balance in these first few weeks of your little one’s life, I’ve put together my top 4 tips for navigating life and sleep with a newborn baby. These tips are not meant to be stressful, but to help provide some semblance of structure if that’s what you’re looking for! You can’t put a newborn on a schedule, but you CAN feel prepared for newborn sleep needs.
What is an Eat-Play-Sleep Schedule for Babies and Why is it Useful?
An Eat-Play-Sleep schedule is one of the most common phrases floating around when it comes to recommended daytime routines for babies. To some, it can seem overwhelming to implement a “schedule” when adjusting to life with a newborn or young baby; but actually, Eat-Play-Sleep should not be thought of as a “schedule,” but an “order of operations” for the day. This flow does not mean you should be scheduling the exact timing of feeds or naps, but rather structuring your day in that order of activities, which can happen according to your baby’s needs and cues!
6 Proven Ways to Calm a Fussy Newborn Baby or Infant
If you’re a new parent, you’ve probably noticed that babies can cry a lot. Crying is how your baby communicates frustration or discomfort since they aren’t able to speak! Whether they are overly tired, overly stimulated, hungry, have a dirty diaper, are bored, (or have other possible reasons), they will let you know by crying!
3 Common Reasons Your Baby is Waking Up in the Middle of the Night
I know how exhausting it can be when your baby wakes up in the middle of the night. As tiring as these night wakings are though, they are completely normal and natural! In fact, did you know that no babies (or adults) actually sleep through the night?
The Best Way to Ditch the Pacifier and How To Tell When It's a Problem
Is your baby's pacifier a sleep crutch? Learn how to determine if it's a problem and 3 weaning methods to help your baby sleep soundly through the night.
An Often-Overlooked Reason Your Baby is Waking Up So Early in the Morning
Is your baby a superstar sleeper but up at dawn? Their circadian rhythm might be the culprit. Learn how to adjust it for later mornings!
How Sleep Affects Brain and Physical Development for Babies
Did you know that most of your baby’s brain development happens while they’re sleeping? Not only that, but sleep also plays a vital role in your baby’s behavioral and physical health!
This may go without saying; but when your baby sleeps well, they are more likely to be in a better mood, socialize more, eat better, and process important information more efficiently.