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Sleepfull Baby Sleep & Toddler Sleep Blog

Welcome to the Sleepfull Baby & Toddler Sleep Blog! Find expert advice and practical tips to improve your child's sleep from Dr. Aubrie aka the ‘Baby Sleep Dr.” We cover safe sleep, sleep training, sleep regressions, developmental milestones, and healthy sleep routines for newborns, babies, and toddlers. Our goal is to help your family achieve restful nights by tackling one sleep issue at a time!

Naps Aubrie DeBear Naps Aubrie DeBear

Contact Naps: Are they “good” or “bad”?

I’m often asked about contact naps and if it’s “good” or “bad” to hold your baby for every nap. Contact naps (when your baby sleeps on your body for a nap) are common during the newborn phase since this is often how newborns prefer to sleep. My answer? It could never be “bad” to allow your baby to nap on you. My question I pose to parents wondering this, though, is how they feel about contact naps as the only method of napping long-term.

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Naps Aubrie DeBear Naps Aubrie DeBear

6 Signs Your Baby is Ready to Drop a Nap

Are naps overwhelming in your home? If they are, this is really common and you are not alone! From the number of naps a day your baby needs, to getting them to a point of taking long naps (but not too long of naps)… it can become a lot.

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Naps Aubrie DeBear Naps Aubrie DeBear

3 reasons your baby is fighting naps

Naps are an essential part of your little one’s day… and yours! It’s a time to tackle that to-do list you’ve been trying to get to or to take some much-needed “me time” for yourself to rest, relax, or whatever fills your cup. But, in order to make these mini-breaks happen, your baby has to actually nap! So, when your child begins fighting naps or suddenly becomes a catnapper, frustration can set in!

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Naps Aubrie DeBear Naps Aubrie DeBear

Why Your Baby is Taking Short Naps and 4 Ways to Lengthen Them

As parents of babies, most of us have experienced the dreaded 30-minute catnap from our little one. In fact, short naps are one of the most common subjects I get asked about each day!

As frustrating as these catnaps can be, they are developmentally normal; especially in those first few months of life! Even though these short naps are normal, there are still tools you can practice regularly to help your little one’s naps lengthen more quickly, over time.

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