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Baby Sleep Aubrie DeBear Baby Sleep Aubrie DeBear

How Sleep Affects Brain and Physical Development for Babies

Did you know that most of your baby’s brain development happens while they’re sleeping? Not only that, but sleep also plays a vital role in your baby’s behavioral and physical health!

This may go without saying; but when your baby sleeps well, they are more likely to be in a better mood, socialize more, eat better, and process important information more efficiently.

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Baby Sleep Aubrie DeBear Baby Sleep Aubrie DeBear

5 Signs Your Child Needs Better Sleep

I don’t believe there are good or bad sleepers. I believe all babies and children have the ability to sleep well, but some children just haven’t learned how to fall asleep and get back to sleep independently yet. If you’ve fallen into the belief that “my child just isn’t a good sleeper” please know that doesn’t have to be true and there’s absolutely hope!

So, how do you know if your child could benefit from better sleep and if sleep intervention might be useful for your family?

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Baby Sleep Aubrie DeBear Baby Sleep Aubrie DeBear

5 Tips to Get Your Baby Sleeping Through the Night

When it comes to your baby sleeping through the night, there are multiple factors that come into play. Does your baby have a bedtime? Are they overtired? What type of environment are you providing for them to sleep in?

These are all things to keep in mind when putting your baby to bed, in order to get the most out of their nighttime sleep.

To give you a head start on what may seem like a daunting task, I’ve put together my top 5 recommended tips to help get your baby sleeping through the night.

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Baby Sleep Aubrie DeBear Baby Sleep Aubrie DeBear

How to Set Up Your Baby Nursery for Better Baby Sleep

Whether you’re a new mom or a seasoned mom, you’ve most likely experienced the joy that comes from setting up your baby’s nursery. But as exciting as it is to pick out new furniture and decor, did you know that there is so much more to your little one’s room than just the Pinterest-worthy look?

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Sleep Training Aubrie DeBear Sleep Training Aubrie DeBear

5 Scientifically Proven Benefits of a Bedtime Routine

There is so much research out there relating to your baby's sleep that it can become overwhelming, to say the least. But, there is one thing that is always consistently beneficial; a bedtime routine.

It has been scientifically proven that a bedtime routine will not only improve your baby’s sleep habits but also their overall wellbeing. Why not invest in that?

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