A busy mom is holding her baby while receiving expert one on one email support from baby and toddler sleep expert Dr. Aubrie

The Email Support Package

One-on-one support with a “Sleepfull Baby” sleep expert only available to course owners!

personalized, expert help…

Perfect for those looking to solve an issue, but not in need of a full sleep course OR those who are already enrolled in a course, but are looking for more hand-holding through the process. You'll be prompted to fill out a comprehensive intake questionnaire that details where you are currently in your sleep journey, what you're struggling with, and what your goals are. 

You will receive a comprehensive email reply with specific tips and tools to get sleep on track based on the issues, goals, and your family's needs indicated in your questionnaire.

This email support package is limited to a 30-day time frame with a start date that begins once the initial response email has been sent and includes:

  • Two (2) comprehensive and personalized email responses. The first email will be sent within 72 business hours after the completion of both the contract and intake questionnaire.

  • The second email will be sent only if you, the client, send a follow-up email requesting additional guidance or clarification.

NOTE: Dr. Aubrie is on Maternity Leave and not taking email support clients at this time